Bloom Institute of Technology Terms of Use
About the Bloom Accelerator Scholarship
BloomTech’s mission is to provide a direct, low-risk path to higher income. The goal of ourBloom Accelerator Scholarship is to make a BloomTech education more broadly accessibleby providing eligible learners with a one-time tuition credit scholarship in the amount of$4,000. Scholarship funds come in the form of a tuition credit against BloomTech’s tuition,bringing the cost of tuition from $21,950 to $17,950. This is not a cash payment made fromBloomTech to an eligible learner.The Bloom Accelerator Scholarship cannot be combined with any other BloomTechscholarships (e.g. the Unlocking Potential Scholarship), discounts, or promotional offers.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the Bloom Accelerator Scholarship, learners must:
Other Terms and Conditions
- If any information in your admissions or scholarship application is found to beuntrue or falsified, your scholarship will be revoked and you will be permanentlywithdrawn from Bloom Institute of Technology.
- BloomTech may discontinue this scholarship at any time.
- In the event you are entitled to a refund, no scholarship amounts will be paid to you.
- You are responsible for any tax consequences of this scholarship.
- Scholarship recipients are bound by all BloomTech policies, including those set forthin the course catalog and enrollment agreement.
- Refunds, if any, will be calculated as set forth in your enrollment and scholarshipagreements.