Try before you buy: BloomTech’s Free Trial

With BloomTech’s Free Trial, you can kickstart your tech career, on your schedule—without making any financial commitments. You'll see firsthand how you can learn part-time or full-time, on a customized schedule for you, so you can prepare for your dream job! Learners in the Free Trial have 3 weeks to try out BloomTech’s flexible school, platforms, tools, and support—no payments or deposits necessary. Apply today to claim your spot in BloomTech’s Free Trial, then get immediate access as soon as you've been admitted and opted in!
When you go to Costco, you try a sample before buying a jumbo-sized package of a new snack. You test drive a car before committing to a new ride. We think you should be able to experience our flexible, online tech courses before making any financial commitments, too.
Our Free Trial enables you to do just that.
We designed the BloomTech Free Trial so you can experience how we’ll help you launch your tech career. That means you can start learning the skills employers want, get personalized support and coaching, and join our diverse, supportive community—no deposit, no payments, no credit cards necessary.
You’ll have 3 full weeks from the start of your Free Trial to test out BloomTech. (It’s not too good to be true: You get this without making any deposits or payments!) If you love the experience as much as we think you will, you can fully enroll and keep learning. If you decide we’re not a good fit, you can move on without having lost a thing.
With our rolling starts model, you can begin any time: You don't have to wait for a course or the trial to start. That way, you can explore BloomTech immediately after being admitted and then opting in to the 3-week trial. Apply today to lock in your Free Trial experience and all its features (more on that below!). There’s no risk—only the opportunity for a whole lot of rewards!
Begin your journey to a new career
To get the full BloomTech experience, you need to try our training, career and academic support, and hands-on projects (all of which work for people learning part-time and full-time alike!). So we grant you access to all of this during the 3-week Free Trial.
The Free Trial includes opportunities to start learning immediately, support so you never stay stuck, and access to a motivating and diverse community.
Let’s look at each of these BloomTech features in detail.
Opportunities to learn right away
At BloomTech, you’ll learn the skills needed for a tech career—including how to pick up new things quickly.
“All the stuff you’re learning at BloomTech, that’s what I’m using at my job,” says Romy Shockey, who graduated from our Full Stack Web Development program and now works as a web engineer. “[In your job], you’re always learning, always catching up on something new, and BloomTech prepares you for that.”
We’ll get you up to speed, just like we did with Romy, on a schedule that works for you. We do this in several ways:
Code-Alongs. These live sessions, led by our expert instructors, are a hands-on way for you to learn the skills you need to work in tech. Code-Alongs cover everything from the basics, like how to work with a command line interface (CLI), to advanced material. You’ll be able to choose from live Code-Alongs 7 days a week, including evenings, so you can truly learn on your schedule.
Build cool projects. The tech field is all about doing and building; that's what we're about, too. To give you a taste of how we prioritize hands-on learning with real-world projects, in the Free Trial you'll learn how to build cool projects from scratch. We'll teach you how to create a basic chat bot, an interactive photo album, or a Rock, Paper, Scissors game—even if you've never coded before!
Get personalized support
At BloomTech, entire teams are dedicated to your success. At BloomTech, “we never felt that we cannot do it,” says Vaibhavi Balar, who got hired even before graduating from our Full Stack Web Development course. “My entire day was supported by people, it may be the instructors, or it may be the learner success coaches. Every single aspect had been taken care of.”
With the Free Trial, we provide you personalized academic and career support, even before you’ve invested in us.
Onboarding support. We know that it can feel overwhelming getting started with new tools, platforms, and tech. That’s why our coaches provide 1:1 help every step of the onboarding process.
Personalized coaching. BloomTech’s committed team of coaches are here to ensure you never stay stuck. Have questions about career goals, what Code-Alongs to take, or how you can leverage your experience as an Uber driver into a software engineering role? Our coaches are just a call away to help you develop a plan for success, build your ideal schedule, develop good study habits, and more.
Academic support. If you wanted to fumble through tech lessons on your own, you would have turned to YouTube. That’s not us. Our in-depth academic support makes BloomTech much better than trying to teach yourself to code. Whenever you have a question, you have somewhere to turn.
Join a diverse community
Humans are social animals, so it makes sense that we learn best when we can interact with others. BloomTech facilitates that community, even in a 100% online school.
“When I first started BloomTech, one of the most exciting parts was being around so many people with so many different backgrounds—and shared excitement, curiosity, and interest,” remembers Kaseem Bradley, who completed our Full Stack Web Development course and is now an application engineer. “That feeling of okay, we’re all in this together, was very comforting.”
Here’s how we help you build community from the moment you join the Free Trial.
Connect with learners and alumni. At BloomTech, you’ll be surrounded by people who are as passionate and excited about working in tech as you are. Meet people from across the country, and even the world, via live events and our online community.
Start networking. The idea of networking intimidates most people, but we make it easy. You can start making professional connections during our low-pressure events. We’ll also show you how we do the heavy lifting with networking for you—even to the extent of crafting outreach emails for you!
Meet BloomTech staff. Turn to BloomTech staff and instructors any time. We’re here to make sure you have what you need to succeed.
See for yourself
You know the expression, “you have to see it to believe it”? We want you to see how BloomTech can launch your tech career. That way you’ll believe that we can deliver—and believe in yourself.
We have helped more than 4,000 people, including those with zero tech background, graduate and get a great job in tech. With the Free Trial, you can see how we’ll help you, too—firsthand.
If you’ve ever dreamed of something better… a better job, a better paycheck, a better future… then BloomTech could be your path forward.
Get ready to learn, graduate, and get a job: Apply to unlock your Free Trial today!