AI for Developer Productivity

Unlocking Team Productivity with AI: Practical How-Tos for Engineering Teams

April 10, 2024


In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, top engineering teams are leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to revolutionize their workflows and boost efficiency. By implementing AI-powered agents that optimize processes and proactively identify potential bottlenecks, these teams can redirect their efforts towards innovation and growth. This guide provides an overview of the strategies and practical steps top engineering teams employ to successfully integrate agents into their existing workflows, enabling them to stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive landscape.

What are agents? 

AI agents are smart computer programs that can work on their own to complete tasks. They make choices and take actions without needing much help from people. As they work, they keep learning and getting better at what they do. For top engineering teams, AI agents are becoming essential tools to make workflows smoother and get more done.

How do agents improve developer productivity? 

Developers have a limited amount of time each day to get their work done. They often spend that time on tasks like writing documentation, reviewing pull requests, helping teammates, fixing bugs, and writing similar code repeatedly. 

At BloomTech, we recognize the importance of these tasks for a well-functioning software engineering team, but we believe that AI agents can automate many of them. By using agents to handle these tasks, developers can provide feedback and iterate on the output to continuously improve the agents' performance. The central idea is: 

The more tasks agents can take on, the more developers can focus on creative and complex work that drives growth and innovation, ultimately boosting their productivity.

Unleash Productivity with These Game-Changing AI Agents

Technical Writer

Objective: Automate the upkeep of technical documentation, such as READMEs, Notion, Confluence, wikis, using LLMs.


  1. Set up a GitHub action:
    • Configure a GitHub action to trigger the documentation update agent whenever relevant changes are made to the codebase.
  2. Vectorize the codebase:
    • Implement a process to vectorize the codebase, converting it into a suitable format for the agent to use.
    • Integrate Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) as a tool for the agent to efficiently access and utilize the vectorized codebase.
  3. Feed code changes to the Language Model (LLM):
    • When changes are merged into the codebase, feed the relevant code changes to an LLM.
    • Along with the code changes, provide the LLM with key aspects of the codebase that are related to the changes being merged, to give the model context.
  4. Generate updated documentation using the LLM:
    • Create a detailed system prompt that instructs the LLM on how to rewrite the documentation based on the code changes and the relevant context.
    • Use the LLM to generate updated documentation that accurately reflects the changes made to the codebase.
  5. Update the documentation at the source:
    • Utilize API calls to update the documentation directly at the source, ensuring that the changes are seamlessly integrated.
    • Verify that the updated documentation is properly written and accessible to developers and other stakeholders.

QA Tester

Objective: Chat with your codebase. By giving codebase context, find issues, write unit tests, and trace errors for debugging. 


  1. Vectorize the codebase and implement Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG):
    • Convert the codebase into a vector representation suitable for the AI agent to process and understand.
    • Implement RAG as a tool for the agent to efficiently retrieve relevant information from the vectorized codebase.
  2. Set up a chat interface:
    • Establish a user-friendly chat interface that allows developers to communicate with the codebase using natural language.
    • Ensure that the chat interface is intuitive and easy to use, enabling developers to interact with the codebase effectively.
  3. Enable retrieval of key parts of the codebase:
    • Utilize the implemented RAG tool to allow developers to pull in specific parts of the codebase relevant to their current task or inquiry.
    • Ensure that the retrieved code snippets or sections are accurately and efficiently sourced from the vectorized codebase.
  4. Facilitate the addition of new files through chat:
    • Enable developers to add new files to the codebase by simply describing the desired functionality or components in the chat interface.
    • The AI agent should interpret the developer's requirements and generate the necessary code files based on the provided details.
  5. Generate code using the Language Model (LLM):
    • Utilize the developer's written code as a reference for the AI agent to understand the coding style, conventions, and requirements.
    • Employ an LLM to generate code snippets or complete files based on the developer's specifications and the existing codebase.
  6. Write tests before beginning development:
    • Encourage a test-driven development approach by having the AI agent generate test cases for the codebase before the actual development begins.
    • The generated tests should cover various scenarios and edge cases to ensure the robustness and reliability of the code.
    • Developers can review and modify the generated tests as needed to align with their specific requirements.


Using AI in your engineering workflows can help you get more done, do better work, and come up with new ideas. AI can handle routine tasks and make processes better, so your team can focus on solving tough problems and creating new solutions. Begin by trying one or two AI tools, track how well they work, and then slowly add more AI to your toolkit. This will help you completely change how productive your engineering team can be.

Another Level Up: Multi-Agent Systems

Multi-agent systems are a way to get AI to do complex tasks by having several agents work together as a team. Each agent is given a specific job, and tools like CrewAI and LangGraph help manage the agents' work and understanding. By assigning each agent a piece of the bigger task and making sure they all work together smoothly, multi-agent systems can solve tough problems, make things run better, and come up with new ideas in ways that weren't possible before.

This blog post serves as an introduction to key concepts that are further explored in our comprehensive 10-week course, “AI for Developer Productivity”. Designed for optimal learning and skill development, the program combines 24 hours of live instruction with 96 hours of immersive coursework. Participants engage in a cohort-based setting, dedicating about 8 hours weekly to mastering AI development with Python, the industry standard for AI programming.