BloomTech 2021 Outcomes Report
Graduation Rate21
There are various reasons learners do not graduate at their expected graduation date (including lingering effects of the pandemic). Our model enables learners to take longer than originally planned or take a hiatus, and some who intended to graduate in 2021 are still working toward completing their program.
We are a data-driven company, and in 2021 we analyzed which actions during school and after graduation had the highest correlation to getting a well-paying job in tech. We wove these factors into our programs to give our learners and graduates the best chance of reaching their career goals.
We believe more rigorous academic requirements may have lowered graduation rates in the short term as learners adjusted to the higher technical bar. While we are working to raise graduation rates for all learners, we also recognize that the curriculum changes led to better preparing graduates for the job market—and therefore 2021 graduates’ higher-than-ever placement rates22.
We are committed to giving all our learners the strongest chance possible of completing BloomTech and landing a well-paying tech job after graduation. We continue to work on raising graduation rates while maintaining high standards, so our alumni graduate ready to work and contribute to their new jobs.
Graduation Rate Addressable Population
The addressable population for the Graduation Rate is the 1,698 Starting Learners whose Original Expected Graduation Date was in 2021, the period from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021, regardless of when these learners actually graduated. This population of 1,698 learners is comprised of 3 categories:
- Those who withdrew from BloomTech
- Those who are still enrolled at BloomTech, as of the Reporting Date
- Those who graduated23 from BloomTech
We designed the BloomTech model to accommodate multiple pathways to graduation, rather than taking a “one-size-fits-all” approach. That means the program length can vary from one learner to the next. There are several factors that can result in a learner’s Actual Graduation Date24 being later than their Original Expected Graduation Date, such as repeating a unit, going on hiatus for personal reasons, or switching from a full-time to a part-time program. We have purposefully designed our model to allow for this type of flexibility because we understand that each learner comes from unique circumstances and has different needs over the course of their educational experience.
Graduation Rate Results25
Graduation Rate by Program
Graduation Rate by Program Type
Job Placement Rate26
Our 2021 job placement rates provide evidence to support a fundamental belief at BloomTech: We provide a direct path to a well-paying job. When learners and graduates followed our training and job search program, the vast majority found a job.
What’s more, they didn’t have to do it alone. Our career support throughout their program and after graduation meant they could lean on our expertise for best practices that lead to a job.
Job Placement Rate Methodology
Our Job Placement Rate is calculated from the population of Starting Learners whose Actual Graduation Date was during 2021.
The addressable population of Starting Learners with an Original Expected Graduation Date in 2021 (1,698 learners) consists of three unique groups:
- Learners who graduated (994 learners)
- Learners who withdrew (614 learners)
- Learners who are still enrolled (90 learners)
The 994 Starting Learners who graduated fall into one of three unique groups:
- Learners who graduated in 2021 (877 learners)
- Learners who graduated before 2021 (32 learners)
- Learners who graduated after 2021 (85 learners)
The 877 Starting Learners with both an Original Expected Graduation Date and Actual Graduation Date in 2021 fall into one of two unique groups:
- Job Seeking Learners (550 learners)
- Non-Job Seeking27 Learners (327 learners)
Of these two groups, only Job Seeking Learners fall within the Job Placement Rate Addressable Population. The 550 Job Seeking Learners were then adjusted for an additional 128 Job Seeking Learners and 10 Unpaid/Unverified learners. These additional 128 learners had an Original Expected Graduation Date before or after 2021 and an Actual Graduation Date in 2021. Out of this total we removed these 10 learners who graduated in 2021 and got placed but we have not been able to verify their job or they received an unpaid job.
The Job Placement Rate Addressable Population (668 learners) is composed of the following groups:
- Learners who graduated in 2021, had an Original Expected Graduation Date in 2021, and are Job Seeking (550 learners)
- Learners who graduated in 2021, had an Original Expected Graduation Date before 2021, and are Job Seeking (124 learners)
- Learners who graduated in 2021, had an Original Expected Graduation Date after 2021, and are Job Seeking (4 learners)
- Removing unverified/unpaid28 learners who graduated in 2021 (10 learners)
Job Placement Rate Addressable Population
The addressable population for the Job Placement Rate is 668 learners with an Actual Graduation Date in 2021 and who were Job Seeking.
Job Placement Rate29
Placement rate for 2021 job seeking BloomTech graduates
Job Placement Rate by Program30
Job Placement Rate by Program Type
Time to Placement31
Placed graduates found jobs faster in 2021 than they did in 202032. This outcome is welcome news for both individuals, who can begin a rewarding career sooner, and employers, who can fill openings needed to serve clients and grow their business.
We are incredibly proud of our instructors, career support team, and entire staff for enabling more people to find jobs, faster.
Time to Placement Methodology
Time to Placement is calculated for the population of learners who were placed in jobs as of the Reporting Date. Time to Placement represents the number of days from a learner’s Actual Graduation Date to Job Placement.
Time to Placement is reported in 3 categories:
- % placed as of 90 days from Actual Graduation Date
- % placed as of 180 Days from Actual Graduation Date (includes % placed as of 90 days)
- % placed as of Reporting Date (includes % placed as of 90 days, and as of 180 days)
Time to Placement Addressable Population
The addressable population for Time to Placement is 599 Placed Learners33 with an Actual Graduation Date in 2021 and who were Job Seeking.
Time to Placement Results34
Placed learners who received a job offer within 180 days of graduation
Time to Placement by Program35
Time to Placement by Program Type36
Position Type37
Tech hiring was strong in 2021, with a more secure economic outlook than in 2020. Long-term changes related to pandemic realities, such as the shift to doing more online, also increased demand for workers skilled in creating, navigating, and collaborating in online environments.
These economic factors may contribute to the greater proportion of BloomTech graduates working in salaried positions. We also believe that preparing learners for highly competitive in-demand roles led to more salaried offers.
Position Type Addressable Population
The addressable population for Position Type is 599 Placed Learners with an Actual Graduation Date in 2021 and who were Job Seeking.
Position Type Results38
Position Type Results by Program
Position Type Results by Program Type
Salary Outcomes39
In 2021, we saw our placed graduates’ median salary increase40. We are proud that their income is starting out higher, with the potential to grow in an industry where average salaries regularly reach six figures41. In contrast, the average college graduate earns a $55,260 starting salary42—and this is after 4+ years of studying.
Salary Outcomes reports on the salary for Placed Learners
This analysis includes full-time salaried positions, as well as other types of work including long-term contracts, short-term contracts, and internship positions. Salaries for non-full-time roles have been annualized43.
This analysis includes U.S.-based and internationally based positions. All salaries are reported in U.S. dollars; any offer reported in international currencies has been converted to U.S. dollars based on the market exchange rate at the time the offer was reported.
Salary Outcomes Addressable Population
Of the 668 Starting Learners who had an Actual Graduation Date in 2021 and were Job Seeking, 599 of these learners were subsequently Placed in jobs. The addressable population for Salary Outcomes is the 599 Placed Learners. Placed learners whose Salary Outcomes were not reported, are reported below as Unknown.
Salary Outcomes Results44
Increase in placed BloomTech learners' annualized salary, vs 2020 outcomes data
Median Annualized Salary45 of Placed learners
Median annualized salary growth46 of placed learners
Median annualized salary growth for placed BloomTech learners
Salary Distribution47 of Annualized Salaries Among Placed Learners
Any offers reported in international currencies have been converted to U.S. dollars based on the market exchange rate at the time the offer was reported. 2020’s lower salary tiers48 (e.g., 0-10k) includes salaried international placements due to pay scale differences between regions such as Africa and the United States.
salary distribution49 for all placed learners50
Placed learners who received $50,000 or higher salary
Full Stack Web Development Salary Distribution
Data Science Salary Distribution
Other Salary Distribution
Full-Time Salary Distribution
Part-Time Salary Distribution
Job Titles51
The majority of 2021 BloomTech placed graduates work as developers/engineers. This field continues to offer opportunity, as it is projected to grow by 25% by 203152. We believe our data show that our graduates are meeting the industry’s hunger for developers and engineers.
Job Titles Addressable Population
Of the 668 Starting Learners who had an Actual Graduation Date in 2021 and were Job Seeking, 599 of these learners were subsequently Placed in jobs. The addressable population for Job Titles is the 599 Placed Learners.
Job Titles Results53
Job Titles for All Placed Learners
Job Titles for Placed Full Stack Web Learners
Job Titles for Placed Data Science Learners
Job Titles for Placed Other Learners
Job Locations54
BloomTech’s fully online model means that learners can gain a tech education from anywhere. Increasingly, BloomTech placed graduates can also work from anywhere, thanks to the prevalence of remote jobs.
In 2021, the trend of remote and hybrid positions continued. These location-independent roles are even more prevalent among tech jobs. Given that 7 of 10 engineers want to work remotely55 most of the time, we are proud that so many BloomTech placed graduates have found location-independent jobs.
Job Locations Addressable Population
Of the 668 Starting Learners who had an Actual Graduation Date in 2021 and were Job Seeking, 599 of these learners were subsequently Placed in jobs. The addressable population for Job Locations is the 599 Placed Learners. Placed Learners whose Job Locations were not reported, are reported below as Unknown.
Job Locations Results56
Job Locations are aggregated at the state level for non-remote, U.S.-based jobs. Positions that are remote in nature have been grouped into a separate Remote category.
A selection of companies57 that hired multiple BloomTech graduates