Bloom Institute of Technology 2022 Outcomes Report

In dedication to transparency and accountability, we share our progress toward our goal of empowering people, regardless of their circumstance or background, to begin rewarding careers in technology.

The job placement rate reported in the 2022 Outcomes Report covers the period January 1 through December 31, 2022. Current job placement rates may vary from historical rates due to current economic conditions and other factors. Please reach out BloomTech if you have any questions about job placement rates.

In 2022, we continuously optimized our job search tools, processes and support to get BloomTech learners from their starting point to a great tech career, as fast as possible, and no matter their background. 

  • We launched our Custom Outreach Generator, which assists learners in their networked job search personalized outreach messages. Consistent networking and outreach is a key component of a successful job search, making this highly valuable to many BloomTech graduates who are seeking tech jobs for the first time.
  • BloomTech launched an AI-powered version of the Custom Outreach Generator in 2023 to improve the quality and level of personalization in the messages.
  • Our Career Coaching team increased the frequency of technical office hours to provide better technical preparation and support to BloomTech job searchers, including weekly ongoing technical assessment practice opportunities with an engineer from industry.
  • BloomTech’s Tuition Refund Guarantee (TRG)3, launched in late 2021, continues to incentivize consistent job search behaviors that have led to successful placement for thousands of BloomTech graduates. The three key pillars of our job search program embedded in the TRG are:
  • Persistence: applying to 10 relevant jobs per week with outreach and follow-up
  • Professional Development: making 5 GitHub contributions per week to keep technical skills sharp
  • Engagement: remain responsive to BloomTech Career Coach outreach, meeting with Career Coaches as needed to assess strategy and placement-enhancing activities

Definition of Success

Our commitment to learner success is the foundation of the entire BloomTech model. The company was founded on aligned incentives, meaning we succeed when our learners succeed. We have stayed true to that essential vision.

In late 2021, we introduced the industry’s first 110% Tuition Refund Guarantee. Here’s what the 110% Tuition Refund Guarantee means: We’re so confident that graduates will get a job if they follow our program that we’re willing to not only refund their tuition but also pay them if they don’t find that well-paying job after a year of searching.

By aligning our company’s success with the success of our learners, everyone benefits.Individuals launch rewarding tech careers; employers gain motivated and skilled workers; andBloomTech grows, enabling even more people to achieve upward mobility.

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