tuition option

Deferred Tuition

Learn now, pay later. It is our mission to improve the financial future of our learners. Our entire curriculum has been designed to be the most direct path to getting our learners high paying jobs after graduation, and the new deferred tuition option backs our commitment. With $0 upfront and our 110% Tuition Refund Guarantee, Deferred Tuition brings your career goals within reach.

How it works

  • You'll apply at Climb Credit for a loan to pay BloomTech's tuition.

    Climb Credit applicants must be U.S. Citizens or U.S. Permanent Residents. U.S. temporary residents and other individuals who do not qualify on their own can apply for Deferred Tuition with a creditworthy co-borrower that is a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident.
  • Once approved, you pay $0 in tuition upfront. You will not be required to make payments and may defer your loan while you are in school, or for up to three months of job searching after graduation. Like a traditional loan, it will accrue interest at a fixed rate (ranging from 8.45% to 18.95%) during any deferment and until the loan has been completely paid off.
  • Once you graduate and receive any combination of positions paying $50,000 or more pre-tax per year (or $4,166 per month for at least 3 consecutive months), you’ll start paying back your Deferred Tuition.
  • Once in repayment, you’ll make fixed monthly payments for 72 months. Payments are predictable and do not change based on your income. That means you’ll pay the same amount whether you make $50,000 or $150,000.
  • Deferred Tuition is backed by BloomTech’s 110% Tuition Refund Guarantee. If you graduate, follow our job search program, and don’t secure positions paying the Qualifying Amount within 1 year of graduation, you’ll owe nothing, and we pay you.
more about deferred tuition

Our 110% Tuition Refund Guarantee

If you choose to pay your tuition upfront or with the Outcomes Based Loan, you may qualify for our Tuition Refund Guarantee. We’re so confident that our programs provide a direct path to a high paying job that we offer the following guarantee:

If you qualify for our Tuition Refund Guarantee, fulfill the requirements, and still don’t get a job paying $50,000 a year (or $4,166 a month) within 365 days after graduation, you don’t have to pay, and we pay you an additional 10%.

how to qualify

How to get help with your
Deferred Tuition

Make sure you have read your agreement in full and understand the terms before you sign.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Climb Credit.

Climb Credit

Support email:

Mon - Fri 7am - 5pm PT
Schedule a support call with a Climb Credit representative here

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Pay Up Front

Pay $21,950 in a single payment
or 3 installments. If you don't get a job, you may qualify for a full refund.

How it works

Income Share Agreements

After a down payment, pay a small percent of your income only if you land a high paying job. If you don't earn at least $50K, you don't pay.

How it works

Deferred Tuition Questions

Important Note: The FAQs below explain certain tuition and Deferred Tuition features and terms but do not override any terms in the loan itself. Students should read their Enrollment Agreement, loan contract, and Tuition Refund Guarantee carefully to understand their terms. All offers are subject to change.
What is Deferred Tuition?
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Deferred Tuition is a consumer loan that BloomTech learners can apply for to finance the upfront tuition amount ($19,000) of their BloomTech program, while they pay no tuition upfront. If after 365 days of receiving a Certificate of Completion from a BloomTech program, you are not earning or have received offers for at least $50,000 a year (or the equivalent of $4,166 per month for 3 consecutive months) in compliance with the Tuition Refund Guarantee, you may be eligible for a 110% refund of your Deferred Tuition.

If you are approved for a TRG refund, your loan will be canceled. No further payments shall be due on your loan. Any amounts paid to the lender by you attributable to tuition (including interest and fees) shall be refunded within one hundred twenty (120) days of loan cancellation. Additionally, BloomTech will provide you a one-time payment of 10% of total tuition paid, minus any applicable withholdings, within 120 days of loan cancellation. You are responsible for any and all taxes in connection with such payment.

Student borrowers who would like to apply for a TRG refund must do so within 30 days of the Termination Date listed in their Tuition Refund Guarantee. 
Is there a credit requirement to qualify for Deferred Tuition? 
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Climb Credit will conduct a soft credit check for all individuals applying for Deferred Tuition. Climb applicants must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or DACA recipients. U.S. temporary residents and other individuals who do not qualify can apply for Deferred Tuition with a creditworthy co-signer that is a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident. Once pre-approved, learners who decide to move forward with Deferred Tuition will undergo a hard credit check to confirm eligibility.
Am I eligible for Deferred Tuition?
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Deferred Tuition to finance BloomTech tuition is available to individuals who are US Citizens, US Permanent Residents, or DACA recipients. U.S. temporary residents and other individuals who do not qualify can apply for an Deferred Tuition with a creditworthy co-signer that is a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident. 
What is the term of Deferred Tuition for a BloomTech program?
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Deferred Tuition for BloomTech programs are 60-month loans. The 60-month term does not include the time a learner spends in school at BloomTech or the amount of time spent looking for and securing a job offer. After 60 months of on-time payments, 100% of the outstanding balance will be paid off. 
How and when does interest accrue on Deferred Tuition?
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Interest begins accruing on Deferred Tuition once a learner has completed Sprint 1 of their BloomTech program. Interest will continue accruing on the loan principal until the loan is fully paid off. 
Does this mean that learners who take longer to complete their program and find a job pay more?
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Because interest will continue to accrue during the periods when a learner is (1) in school and (2) in the job search, those who spend longer completing their BloomTech program or finding a job after graduation will accrue more total interest on their loan than those who graduate and secure employment sooner.
When does a learner start making payments on Deferred Tuition?
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No payments are required when a learner is in school, or searching for a job within the period defined by BloomTech’s Tuition Refund Guarantee. 
Can I pause my loan from accruing interest if I have an extenuating circumstance or need to step away for military service?
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Climb grants up to 12 months of hardship forbearance to help learners navigate difficult times. However, please note that interest will continue to accrue during any period of forbearance. It is the learner’s responsibility to contact Launch, the loan servicer for Ascent’s bootcamp loans, in the event of extenuating circumstances. BloomTech has no responsibility to contact Climb or Launch and cannot approve forbearance requests. Please contact Launch for a full list of forbearance options.
Can a learner begin making payments on their Deferred Tuition early (i.e., before they have secured a job)?
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Yes, you may begin paying off your Deferred Tuition at any time. There is no penalty for prepayment.
What BloomTech programs is Deferred Tuition available for?
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Deferred Tuition is currently available for the web development, data science, and backend development programs at BloomTech.
What is the total amount I will pay if I elect the Deferred Tuition option?
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The total amount learners who finance their tuition with Deferred Tuition will pay varies based on how long it takes a learner to complete their BloomTech program and subsequently how long they spend searching for a job. 
How does the Deferred Tuition vest?
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Deferred Tuition taken out to finance tuition for a BloomTech program will begin vesting once a learner has started the 2nd sprint of their program. Deferred Tuition fully vests after a learner has started a number of sprints equal to 50% of their BloomTech program length. For 24-sprint programs (web development, data science), the loan is fully vested after the start of the 13th sprint. For 36-sprint programs (backend development), the loan is fully vested after the start of the 19th sprint. Vesting schedules may vary by state; please read your Enrollment Agreement for the most up-to-date information.
What happens if a learner selects Deferred Tuition but does not complete their BloomTech program?
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Learners who start the 2nd sprint of their BloomTech program but do not graduate from their program will still be responsible for paying off their Deferred Tuition. They may not be responsible for paying back 100% of the loan, depending on when they withdrew or were withdrawn from their BloomTech program. Generally, the principal amount of the loan is 100% vested at 50% program completion, although policies may vary by state. Learners should check their Enrollment Agreements for more specific information.
Is the Deferred Tuition available in California?
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Yes, the Deferred Tuition is now available to California residents.
When should I apply for Deferred Tuition?
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Climb requires that learners apply for Deferred Tuition within 90 days of their desired program start date with BloomTech. 
Can someone else take out the loan for me?
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No, Deferred Tuition must be associated with the individual attending BloomTech. Individuals who do not qualify can apply for Deferred Tuition with a creditworthy co-signer that is a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident. 

Get some advice

No matter which option you choose, you will be signing legally binding documents that will affect your finances. We'll do everything we can to help you feel confident about your decision.

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